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Cost & Profitability Analyzer

Answering Key Business Questions:

–  Which of my customers are most profitable?

–  What products do they buy?

–  Which activities or processes add little or no value?

–  Where can I cut costs intelligently?

–  What is the commercial impact of different scenarios?


Designed with Business Logic & Integrity

CPA supports a 5 stage cost-modeling environment where users determine the level of detail required, the allocations which should be made and the cost drivers to be used.  The example shown below illustrates the cost flow between the stages of a typical Activity-Based Costing model.   Through its intuitive user interface, CPA enables users to construct their own business rules for cost flow which dramatically reduces the time required to build models.  CPA is constantly validating the business logic and integrity of your model and will highlight areas where any inconsistencies exist.  All cost allocations can be traced throughout the model and costs at each stage can be reconciled with the source accounting system.

Scenario Planning

Use CPA to measure the impact of different scenarios on the cost & profitability of the business.  For example, model changing demand, new product introductions, process improvement, cost reduction intiatives or outsourcing decisions.  Understand the likely commercial impact before you implement.

What Reports are Available?
  • Standard Reports – 30 standard reports built into CPA cover many of the most common reporting requirements.
  • Executive Dashboard – CPA has a standard Executive Dashboard report which has been development in MS Excel.  It can be customised for any model or organisation and is designed for maximum impact.
  • OLAP Reporting – CPA generates OLAP cubes at the touch of a button.  With seamless integration into MS Excel 2007, the cubes can be analyzed using the Pivot Table and Pivot Chart tools.  CPA can also export fact tables and schema details for any other OLAP applications such as Cognos, Business Objects, Hyperion or SAS.
How do I Manage Data?

CPA provides fixed format staging data tables which enable all model data to be imported from any OLE DB data source such as MS Excel, MS Access, MS SQL, Oracle RDBMS or DB2.  Error checking and reporting functionality ensures that the integrity of the model is maintained.  Similarly, data may be exported to any OLEDB target database.

Features & Benefits

Flexibility:  Ensures that model design supports your business objectives

Business Rules Engine:  Supports rapid model construction

Templates:  Rapidly define cost pools, activities & processes

Built-In Validation:  Enforces logical consistency and integrity of the model

Audit Trail:  Trace all cost allocations throughout the model

Pre-Defined Reports:  Standard reports answer 90% of reporting requirements

OLAP Cube Integration:  Supports drill down slice & dice capabilities

MS Excel Integration:  Reporting & analysis within a familiar environment

Multiple Periods & Scenarios:  Track changes and improvement initiatives, evaluate alternative scenarios

Standard Technology Platform:  Install and run CPA on a desktop PC


System Requirements

Operating System:  MicrosoftWindows XP with Service Pack (SP) 2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, or later operating system

MS Office:  MS Office 2007 Professional, Professional Plus, Enterprise, Ultimate edition SP1

Hardware:  Single Core 2.6Ghz processor, 512Mb RAM, 3Gb HDD disk space, 1024 x 768 display resolution (1280 x1024 preferred)

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